Thank you for your interest in mental wellness and the Mental Health Association of Genesee & Orleans Counties!

Your support helps us provide the awareness and resources necessary to help individuals and their families to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. We appreciate your commitment to our cause.


Membership to the Mental Health Association of Genesee & Orleans Counties supports the improvement of services provided to individuals with mental illness in both counties, and promotes mental health education for the surrounding communities. With a membership, you are entitled to receive our newsletters, voting rights at the annual meeting and recognition in the Annual Report. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Make a Donation

You can make donations at any time. You may earmark your donation to support a specific program, or if you prefer not to restrict your contribution, it will be used where the need is the greatest. Your contributions are tax deductible, and appreciated!

Tribute Gifting is a thoughtful way to honor the memory of someone who was important to you. You can also honor someone on a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation or significant achievement. We can send an announcement of your gift to your honoree (if you would like) and we will send an acknowledgment to thank you as well.

Other ways to support the MHA

Support the MHA while you shop through the eBay Giving Works program, or AmazonSmile. Just select Genesee County Mental Health Association, Inc. as your charity choice and a percentage of your transaction will come to the MHA.

Employee giving through payroll deduction is another way you can support our programs. The MHA is certified annually through both SEFA (State Employee Federated Appeal) and United Way of Greater Rochester as an eligible local charity. For more information, please go to: and select #69-00005 for the MHA and select #2492 for the MHA